Payment and Delivery
Q: What are your payment options?
A: We have 3 payment options for Corporate Account Users: Online Payment via Paypal, Cash/Cheque on Delivery and Credit Term Sales. However, for individual users, you have to make an Online Payment via Paypal.
For Cheque on Delivery, please cross your cheque and make it payable to ‘Thye Hong Esolutions Pte Ltd’. All cheques must be signed and written legibly with the correct date and payment amount. If the cheque is dishonored (bounces), a fee of S$50 will be charged to you for each dishonored cheque.
For Cash on Delivery, please prepare the exact amount to be paid to our Delivery Staff.
For Credit Term Sales, only approved customers can use this payment option.
Q: Tell us more about you delivery service
A: We deliver only to addresses within mainland Singapore (Monday to Saturday excluding Sunday & Public Holidays), and these fees apply:
S$30.00 per trip.
FREE Delivery: for each order totalling S$200 or more (excluding GST)
For places where a delivery permit is needed, please highlight it to us in advance by calling us at 6858 8668 and notify us.
Q: What are the limitations to the delivery of my order in terms of dimensions?
A: We aim achieve door-step delivery for our customers. However, if items are too bulky to be loaded into the lift at the destination, customer(s) will be required to receive them at Ground Level of your location. Such items include Cement, Brick, Stone and other bulky items.
Q: I wish to self-collect, can you waive off the delivery fee?
A: Yes, upon Checkout, select "Self-Collection" under Delivery Method to have your delivery fee waived.
Q: Can I request the date and time of delivery?
A: Our delivery team will call you prior to the delivery, so you can arrange with them. We are committed to deliver within three working days. For urgent deliveries, we may charge additional delivery fees.